Bucks County, north of Philadelphia, adds a pinch of Sesame Place to its collection of soothing images, which includes a covered bridge, a lavender farm and barrels of beer at a brewery. Even though Cinderella and Prince Charming are self-quarantining in her eponymous castle, you can still enjoy the Magic Kingdom with more than a dozen photos from Disney theme parks around the world, including Paris, Shanghai and Orlando. The egret has landed, thanks to the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy, which offers eight landscapes, including two of the stately suspension bridge. The National Park Foundation shares six parks from coast (Cape Cod National Seashore in Massachusetts) to coast (Olympic National Park in Washington state).

Explore the many properties and active adventures of Xanterra Travel Collection, which owns biking and walking tour companies, as well as hotels in or near national parks, such as the Grand Canyon Railway & Hotel in Arizona and Cedar Creek Lodge, which sits 18 miles outside Glacier National Park in Montana. Warning: You might end up hypnotizing your colleagues with the videos of swaying grass in Colorado’s San Juan National Forest and swirling clouds in the John Muir Wilderness in California. The Wilderness Society has assembled 10 videos and 10 photos of national parks, wilderness refuges, monuments and other natural sanctuaries. Lose yourself in the great outdoors without leaving the indoors.